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Historical Elk's Filming Project

Brochure describing the two-hour documentary on "The Historical Elk's: A Spooktacular Place"..


Our Spooktacular Invitation for a Halloween Haunted House Tour in the historic Elk's building every Saturday in October!

Our Findings


After several paranormal teams, pyschics and other general investigative teams, we found that the historical Elk's building was indeed inhabilted by ghosts.

As you can see in the pictures to the left, one of the paranormal teams, captured a ghost three times moving along the wall with the last picture being the closest.

In the documentary, you will see true interaction with the ghost turning on and off a flashlight on command and other supernatural actions we caught on film!

We are currently in the post-production phase of the documentary. Come back for the lastest status on this Spooktacular film!

Our Ghosts